Saturday 17 March 2018

Caterpillar by Nick Sweetman


🎨 by Nick Sweetman @nick_sweetman 🐛

Finally, 🐛 the caterpillar that I was looking for last summer !

I knew it was somewhere around here.. but I found this yesterday afternoon by accident...

He's got a better photo of it on his account from July 10, 2017...

He says this about this on his IG back then:

"Day shot of my finished piece from #dreams festival this weekend. Only been two days and the birds have shat on it quite a bit already so chances are if you see it it wont look this good, but take it in! At 40 feet in diameter this is my largest flat piece ever and the biggest piece ive ever completed in two days. It was an insane ride, lots of good stories, and awesome memories. Thanks Mike @amancalledspazz for hooking it up and believing i can do anything even if i tell him its not possible, #livenation for the sweet canvas, and @poserabm for coming and doing his thing and then sticking around with me for the finishing touches (and helping with clean up 🙏🙏🙏). All yours, birds! 🐛🐛🐛"

This is in a perfect spot.. it constrasts so well with the Toronto skyline behind it..
I couldn't get it all in frame.. but its really amazing to see. And there wasn't any bird poop on it.. after all these months.. !